Saturday, August 31, 2019

Beyond Good and Evil

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is usually considered as a forerunner of existentialism along with Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard can be considered as the champion of the orthodox Christianity. However, Christian absolutism, which requires total surrender to God, is totally not acceptable to Nietzsche, because according to him God is dead. The concept of death of God is best known among all philosophies of Nietzsche. According to him, since God is dead we have lost the foundation of truth and value.Human beings must find courage to become gods themselves (Lavine, 1984,p. 324). The greatest need of civilization now is to develop new type individual, supermen, who will be intellectually and morally independent. They will break all existing moral values, which are life- denying, to which masses are still enslaved. The only morality of the supermen will be to affirm life, to be powerful, creative, joyous, and free ( Lavine,1984,p. 325) In ‘Beyond Good and Evil’ he identifies a new set of philosophers, attempters, who will be the new legislators and creators.In order to make way for them, he criticizes all existing moral values and philosophies . He attacks Christianity and Buddhism in particular because he sees in them carriers of virtues of the weak. He presents his own ideas of morality. He says that the will to power is the underlining force in all living organism. Therefore, he denounces all virtues of peace, forgiveness, friendliness. However, the will to power is just one aspect of man. If this is the only principle of life, the only motivating factor in ones life, civilized societies cannot exist.Beyond Good and Evil can be a guide in society ruled by a dictator. Assuming that reading ‘Beyond Good and evil’ has influenced my life and I have accepted it as a guide in my life, the following changes are expected within me. An Attempter Beyond good and evil has made me an attempter- a new kind of philosophers, a free spirit. My whole life is chan ged for good. My concept of truth, life, religion and self is changed. My concept of truth. There are no absolute truths. (Nietzsche. ed. hughes) There are no universal dogmas.What is true for me can be perfectly false for someone else. (Nietzsche. ed. hughes) Every philosophy or science that I come across brings to my mind that this is said with moral prejudice and with the aim of making money. (Nietzsche,2004,para. 6) There, need not be a conviction. The Truth I know, if it is not acceptable to others I need not stand up to it. After all truth is not an incompetent creature requiring someone’s support. (Nietzsche,2004,para. 25) There is nothing called knowledge for it own sake(Nietzsche.ed. hughes) I will believe only truths that are revealed by my senses. (Nietzsche. ed. hughes) I will be skeptical of everything that I come to know. Skepticism is a tool in my hand. I should not take anything as real except my drives, desires and passion. (Nietzsche. ed. hughes0 My concept of life. The feelings of devotion, self-sacrifice, morality of self-denial are to be completely avoided. (Nietzsche. ed. hughes) I realize hatred, lust envy are not feelings that should be avoided but they are very essential to my life(Nietzsche.ed. hughes) I will not be attached to anything in this world. I will not be attached to my loved ones because every person is a prison, to my fatherland even if requires my help. I will not feel pity for anybody. I will not be attached to my own virtues. I will learn to control myself. (Nietzsche,2004,para. 41) I recognize that slavery, danger, experimentation, devilry, everything evil, tyrannical in man enhances the growth of man. Therefore, they are necessary for the humankind(Nietzsche,para. 44). My concept of religion.Christianity is a religion that I should avoid, since it is a religion of sacrifice, sacrifice of all freedom pride self-confidence. It is a religion of self-mockery, self-denial and enslavement. I abhor Christianity for th e three cardinal follies it practices i. e. , solitude, fasting and sexual abstinence. I need to just look away from these follies(Nietzsche,2004,para. 47). If I need fresh air I should not go to churches. I will stop believing in the existence of soul, therefore, there is no life after death. (Nietzsche,2004,para.30) . As an attempter I will make use of religion and politics in order to rule over others. I have a responsibility for the evolution of mankind(Nietzsche,2004,para. 45) There is no moral phenomena, only moral interpretations of phenomena. (Nietzsche,2004,para. 64) I will believe only truths that are revealed by my senses. (Nietzsche. ed. hughes) Morality is against reason and freedom. It is a constrain. (Nietzsche. ed. Hughes) Every virtue tends towards stupidity and every stupidity towards virtue(Nietzsche) My concept of self.My essence is will to power, so prepositions like ‘Harm no one, rather help everyone as much as you are able' is false and sentimental (Niet zsche,ed. Hughes). My power to will should not be restrained My strength lies in my dangerous drives such as enterprisingness, revengefulness, ambition (Nietzsche,ed. Hughes). I will possess only those virtues which are useful to get along with my secret and heartfelt inclinations (Nietzsche. ed. Hughes). Honesty is my only virtue. I will be honest totally but not to an extent of becoming boring saint(Nietzsche.ed. Hughes). My concept of the society. Everything in this world seeks to discharge its strength, the will to power. (Nietzsche. ed. hughes) The majority in the society are lesser mortals. Therefore I as an independent free spirit should wear masks or else I will be rejected and ridiculed. (Nietzsche,ed. Hughes) Democratic politics is not only politics in decay but also man in decay. (Nietzsche. ed. hughes) Herdsman. Human beings live in groups such as states, tribes, churches. These are human herds.Here majority of people live under obedience while handful of people rule the m. They are taught to unconditionally obey the rulers. The rulers consider themselves as representatives of God or servants of the people or instruments of good (Nietzsche,2004,para. 199). The characteristics of a herdsman and herds are as follows(Nietzsche,2004. para. 199) The herdsman glorifies virtues like humility, timidity, modesty and peace (Nietzsche,2004,para. 199). Strong dangerous drives such as hatred, revenge, enterprisingness are branded immoral.(Nietzshe,2004. para. 199) This over tenderness causes him to be soft on people who tend harm him, criminals (Nietzshe,2004,para. 199). Spiritual independence and will to stand alone are seen as dangerous, therefore such qualities are suppressed (Nietzsche. 2004,para199). When clever men get together they form a parliament(Nietzsche,para. 199). The Disadvantage of Being an Attempter. The will to power An attempter in trying to be different in everything loses his normal self. The attempter is too much occupied with his will to p ower.Will to power is one of the characteristics of men. However, the attempter considers it as his essence. The effect of such an attitude makes him an oppressor in any relationship. Will to power is common to all human beings. He runs into trouble when he meets another human with same type of inclination. In such a situation, as Hegel says there will be struggle unto death(Lavine,p. 220). Detachment He detaches himself from everything in life. He is not attached to his loved ones, his fatherland or his virtues. This makes him an ascetic.He is made into a machine without any human feelings. Dangerous drives. Human drives such as hatred, revenge are glorified by him. On the other hand soft qualities like modesty, humility, friendliness are looked down upon. Human beings are bundle of emotions. Every emotion has a place in the formation of a person. One cannot glorify some emotions and denounce some others. In the case of an attempter the killing instinct in man is given predominance . This makes him an unacceptable person in a civilized society.He is more at home in a society ruled by a dictator. The Advantage of a Herdsman. A herdsman has a balanced emotional level. He does not denounce any qualities as irrational. Nietzsche argues that the will to stand alone, higher intelligence being suppressed in herds(society) is not true. There is more freedom in a herdsman than an attempter. He lives in a democratic world where as the attempter tends towards dictatorship. He learns to obey authority, which is a very important quality to live in a societyAnimal instincts such as revenge hatred are not glorified but by considering them as immoral those harmful emotions are discouraged To Be an Attempter or To Be a Herdsman. I would prefer to be a herdsman. A herdsman is a person suitable in a civilized, democratic society. The life of a herdsman is lived in obedience to authority. He understands the importance of modesty, friendliness and peace. These qualities appeal to me more than a life lived with a sloe aim of dominating others.A life of an attempter is very mechanical. He does not have the human frailties which makes life interesting. He hates everything , suspects everything, tends to dominate everything. His life will be lonely and dull. Therefore to live a life filled with normal emotions of joy, pain, modesty, forgiveness I would prefer a herdsman’s life. Conclusion In ‘Beyond and Evil’ Nietzsche alludes that all life is exploitation. His will to power is seen as exploitation. The dominance of one’s will over another.All that enhances power is good. All that flows from weakness i. e. , peace, friendliness are bad. Hatred, vengeance, cruelty are essential for life. These concepts of life suit a dictator than a person living in a democratic society. He tries to present a new brand of philosophers called ‘attempters’ who embodies all these characters. They are supposed to be legislators and creators. Cr eators of moral values so that a new order of world will be created. Nietzsche call these philosophers as saviors of humankind.Thus, he attempts a dangerous experimental method. Therefore, we cannot live a life based on ‘Beyond Good and Evil’ References Lavine. T. Z. (1984). From Socrates To Sartre. New York: Bantam Books Nietzsche (2004, September23). Beyond Good and Evil Retrieved April 24, 2007 from http://www. mala. bc. ca/~johnstoi/Nietzsche/beyondgoodandevil2. htm Nietzche. F (n. d. ) Beyond Good and Evil. in G. Hughes. Retrieved April 23, 2007 from C:Documents and SettingsaaDesktopPhilosophy- Squashed Nietzsche – Beyond Good and Evil – Condensed Abridged. htm

Therapists Role in Gastric Bypass Procedure

A Therapists Role in A Pre-Surgical Interview for a Gastric Bypass Procedure Abstract The purpose of this paper is to determine the role of the psychologist when evaluating a patient seeking a gastric bypass procedure. To this date there is no standard avenue given to those conducting the interview. Due to the limited knowledge of long term success post-surgery a guideline is given for psychologists to follow. Continued research is needed to determine what may be needed in the interview that is not being addressed at this time.A Therapists Role in A Pre-Surgical Interview for a Gastric Bypass Procedure A huge problem in the United States for the average individual is obesity. While traditional weight loss programs are failing and more extreme methods are being used, psychologists are being called upon to determine if individuals are mentally fit to have a procedure called Bariatric surgery (ie, gastric bypass). This procedure is used for populations of people whom are extremely obese . Therefore extremely obese patients are turning to this unconventional method to lose weight.Unlike traditional weight lose methods whose risks are low, gastric bypass procedures have high health risks involved. In order for this surgery to be successful patients need to reframe their thinking after surgery to continue to maintain the weight that is lost due to the procedure. There have been no clear assessment tools psychologists’ use for pre-op assessment but many psychologists are using a standard assessment to determine if the individual is a candidate for bar iatric surgery.Even though a patient may not want to undergo a psychological evaluation it is a necessary criterion in order to undergo this extreme weight loss procedure. The information a psychologist collects in the pre-op procedure is why they are seeking surgery, diet and weight history, what are their habits currently in regard to eating, educating patient that future lifestyle changes associated with behavio r modification therapy, history and current social supports, and any psychiatric symptoms (current and past) (Snyder 2009).The psychologist’s 3 responsibilities during the assessment is to collect a history about the patient, act as an educator providing information to patient about the psychological aspect of the surgery, and the therapist motivating the patient to seek post surgical behavior modification treatment while helping the client deal with emotions that may come up during the evaluation (Snyder 2009). The psychologist’s initial question is the patient’s reason for surgery and what are they hoping to accomplish.The therapist therefore will determine the clients expectations to assess if the client has unrealistic expectations centered around the surgery results (ie. motivation due to only changing physical appearance). The results may suggest the patient may not be a candidate for surgery. Researchers have learned the motivation for surgery should be s trictly for health reasons (Bauchowitz, A. , 2007). Patients that have unrealistic expectations regarding weight loss are prone to issues of depression when the surgery and outcome is not what they expected. The second area assessed is a review of the patients eating habits past and current.Researchers found that clients learned messages from family that were contributing factors to weight gain (ie. eat everything on your plate) (Gibbons, L. M. , et al. , 2006). Psychologists’ also determine if a client has had past failures with diets and if not the client is encouraged to try dieting before seeking surgery. The philosophy behind this way of thinking is due to getting used a healthy lifestyle with food intake. The role of the psychologist here is to educate the patient with what will be needed in the future to maintain their ideal weight.They are warned going back to old behaviors with eating behaviors and habits could result in gaining all their weight back. Also, psycholog ists help the patient if they are dealing with shame for failed diet attempts in the past. Another area of assessment is determining the patient’s current eating behavior. It is important for the therapist to determine the motivation for behavior modification and also seek out eating disordered clients. The patient is also questioned about their plan for exercise post surgery.The biggest finding about non-compliance among failures with post treatment was the lack of motivation for exercise (Snyder 2009). Psychologists also determine if a client is bulimic due to the dangers of a bulimic client can have with gastric bypass procedures. Psychologists at this point educate the patient on the importance of exercise for long term benefits of surgery (Snyder 2009). The psychologist also educates the patient to help them to understand what they are agreeing to when seeking gastric bypass. The therapist also should point out the consequences of going back to the past ifestyle with eat ing behavior (Snyder 2009). Another area of importance is the social network of family and friends the patient has when having surgery. The social network can make or break a patient’s success or failure. Therefore, it is important for the psychologist to understand the patient’s social network in the past and present. Negative consequences of the surgery (ie. affair) can lead to jealousy of the spouse and present sabotaging behavior of the spouse. Therefore it is important for a psychologist to address issues that could present themselves if applicable (Snyder 2009).One of the primary reasons an interview is conducted pre-surgery is to determine if there are any psychiatric disorders that might interfere with success of surgery. Symptoms of anxiety, depression, psychosis, mania, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, history of abuse, family history of mental disorders, and any treatment regarding mental health issues are assessed. An examination called a Mini-Mental Sta tus is given to the patient to determine any psychiatric complications that can present themselves (Fabricatore, Crerand, Wadden , et al. 2006). The MMPI-2 is a psychological test given to pre-surgical candidates for a gastric bypass. This is a way to validate that the psychologist’s assessment interview are the same as compared to the MMPI-2. The psychologist should instruct the client to answer all questions honestly so the test results will be accurate. If the clients’ results show defensiveness with the test results the test may have to be taken again (Walfish, S. , 2007). The Millon Behavior Medicine Diagnostic allows for norms within the population that have undergone surgery.These two tests have been selected for psychologists to use even though there are other tests available. In conclusion, it is important for patients to be assessed before having surgery. The psychologist role is to understand the readiness of a patient and how emotional issues can challenge long term success. The psychologist’s role also is to educate the client on all possible issues that they may face post surgical. Overall, this demonstrates how important a pre-surgical evaluation is needed to increase success for the patient short and long term. References Allison G.Snyder (2009) Psychological Assessment of the Patient Undergoing Bariatric Surgery. The Ochsner Journal: Fall 2009, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 144-148. Bauchowitz, A. , L. Azarbad , K. Day , and L. Gonder-Frederick . Evaluation of expectations and knowledge in bariatric surgery patients. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2007. 3 5:554– 558. Devlin, M. U. , J. A. Goldfein , L. Flancbaum , M. Bessler , and R. Eisenstadt . Surgical management of obese patients with eating disorders: a survey of current practices. Obes Surg 2004. 14 9:1252–1257. Fabricatore, A. N. , C. E. Crerand , T. A.Wadden , et al. How do mental health professionals evaluate candidates for bariatric surgery? Survey results. Obes Surg 200 6. 16 5:567–573 Gibbons, L. M. , D. B. Sarwer , C. E. Crerand , et al. Previous weight loss experiences of bariatric surgery candidates: how much have patients dieted prior to surgery? Obesity (Silver Spring) 2006. 14 suppl 2:70S–76S. Walfish, S. Reducing Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory defensiveness: effect of specialized instructions on retest validity in a sample of preoperative bariatric patients. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2007. 3 2:184–188.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Who Influences Me

19 Who Has an Influence on My Life Throughout life there are many people who influence you. Your family, friends, teachers, coaches, and even people who see you only once in your lifetime could influence you. Each person, as they grow up, changes either for better or even for worse from the impact of others. I am lucky to have to close relatives as my greatest influences in life because they change me for the better every day. The biggest influences in my life have been my grandparents and my mother. My grandmother has influenced my life greatly.She is always there when I need her and has helped shape me to the person I am today. My future has been influenced extremely by my grandma because she works as a nurse at a hospital in Sandusky. I was practically raised by my grandmother and since I have always been so close to her, I have decided to follow in her footsteps and create a career path for myself in the medical field. All the time she tells me stories about the hospital and the people she meets and is able to help. I would really like to be able to meet new people and help them as well and at the same time make my grandmother proud.Aside from all her outstanding and tedious work in the hospital, she also finds the time to make it to everyone of my sporting events. When I was just starting out in sports, I wanted to quit swimming because I was having such a hard time with it. However, my grandma told me to not give up and to push on. She has made a significant impact on my life. Another large influence in my life is my grandpa. From a very young age, he was my rock. He was the one that taught me to fish, to ride my bike, and even how to hula hoop.He not only is a great grandpa, but also he is a dedicated and extremely hard worker. Everyone could count on him to help them out in whatever they needed. I remember him always taking me with him when he used to go to people’s houses to either fix their heater or lawn mower or even fix their car. Currently, he fixes lawn mowers, weed eaters, or any other mechanical device that needed tuned up. He receives numerous calls from neighbors, friends, and even sometimes strangers because he gets the job done for little, or most of the time, no cost at all.He is a great person who puts everyone before himself. He has made a great deal of influence on me with the fact that I love to fix things and work on cars too. I will never forget the time we fixed up his old Jeep Wrangler together from complete scratch and put it all back together. Without him, I would be a total different person. Last but not least, my mother has impacted my life. It’s obvious that most mothers would naturally have a huge influence on their child’s lives, but my mom went beyond the normal.For example, around thirteen years old, my parents got a divorce. However, a long time before that they had many issues and arguments constantly. My mom knew that the marriage was over and probably was best to just end it, but instead she stayed in it for my sake. She influenced me by showing me sometimes you have to be selfless and put the ones you love before your own self. She ultimately sacrificed her happiness for my own. She has taught me that no matter what, you have to be strong and never give up.My mother not only taught me to be strong, she also taught me to always be the best person I can be and to give one hundred percent effort in everything I do. I learned that just getting by or taking the easy route isn’t okay and when things get tough I can’t just fold or fall down, I need to stand up and push through it. In conclusion, my grandparents and mother have made the biggest influences on my life. Without these three amazing human beings I wouldn’t be who I am today. They have instilled many valuable life lessons and created many of my current morals and for that I am eternally grateful.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Can choose from three Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Can choose from three - Essay Example According to Nagel, reductive arguments seek to explain a phenomenon in terms of objectivism hence it omits the essential of the conscious experience, which are subjective. Because of this, Nagel believes that the whole idea of objective does not add up or make sense. Nagel also believes that the conscious experience is about one’s interpretation and varies with people. It is like asking someone else what he or she thinks about something. In this case, one is entitled to say what he or she feels and whatever said is welcomed. Therefore, it is valid for Nagel to argue that the conscious is interpreted in terms of subjectivism. It is not always possible for the majority to see or view a phenomenon like an identical twins; the differences must be embraced and accommodated. Nagel chose the example of a bat to validate his information because of many things. First, bats resemble man to some extent. Similarly, there are rhetorical elements in his choice of bats since they have a traditional reputation of being weird, and some have special senses that humankind do not have. They are essential in persuading people that do not think others can reason the same way. Similarly, bats have experiences that man does not have. Hence, there is a limit to human understanding that makes consciousness very difficult to understand. It is also important to consider the situation and conditions of an organism that influences one’s consciousness. For example, Nagel argues that facts about what it is to be an organism conscious state is accessible only from certain points of view. A dead human being no longer reasons because she or he does not have any point of view. Similarly, a drunken person has a different viewpoint from the way sober people reason. Although a drunken is also a human being, the conscious mind that reason is not supported by alcohol but influences it towards giving unwarranted reasoning. The logic that one gives determines consciousness and all that pertains to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Organizational Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organizational Development - Assignment Example During recent years, the field of human resource management has seen a transformation as a result of changing workplace trends. A common concern for human resource managers has been to manage compensation and rewards in such as a way that employees feel motivated. At the same time, human resource managers are concerned with talent retention and this requires designing effective compensation plans that not only motivate employees and drive performance, but also retain high performing employees. However, many of the problems resulting from compensation plans differ from organization to organization. The dynamics of each organization shape the type of compensation plans that are going to work best given their situation. For example, organizations focusing on sales may pay their employees in terms of commissions and piece rate. On the other hand, high tech companies like software firms may pay their employees in terms of employee stock units. This is what Google and Facebook are doing with their employees. In order to counter challenges relating to pay, human resource managers develop appropriate pay plans that are suitable to employees (Dessler, 2011). That is to say, such plans that motivate employees and get the most output from them. Additionally, human resource managers have to carry out employee appraisals. Currently all organizations have some sort of performance evaluation in place (Lichtman, 2007). To do so, human resource managers have to design and plan out performance evaluation system which consist of measurable metrics that reflect an employee’s performance. The metrics criteria are based on key performance indicators as known as KPIs and different performance (Lichtman, 2007). Measuring the performance of a company’s employees provides managers with all the necessary information needed to make an informed decision. It helps managers decide which employees are going to receive appraisals and which employees will not. In certain

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Reader response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reader response - Essay Example The report stresses on the fact that bad writing does not only mean not being able to write, rather more importantly it means not being able to convert an idea into fine words. In another article by (Fried), the importance of good writing is further stresses in the business world especially, where bad writing means a direct and instant loss in productivity and customer dissatisfaction. In the article, bad writing is sarcastically described as â€Å"stale, soggy rice cakes†, which are devoid of taste and nutrition. In an order to increase the number of customers, business people have got to rely on using writing skills that are persuasive and creative. (MBA Jargon Watch) may be considered a beneficial source in an order to build up on the type of vocabulary which is needed in the business world to create an attractive and good piece of writing that would be able to woo the customers. Many words introduced by (MBA Jargon Watch) may seem new to the business world writers and they may be ignorant of them as well, due to which bad writing comes on all geared up to spoil a company’s future. All three articles stress on the ultimate importance of good writing in the business world and appreciate the usage of creative writing

Monday, August 26, 2019

A Farewell to Arms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

A Farewell to Arms - Essay Example The researcher states that the novel’s plot wholly conforms to the standard pattern of tragedy wherein the start, development, and the conclusion of the plot-structure is marked by the well-known stages of exposition, complication, climax, crisis, anticlimax, and denouement. The 41 chapters of the novel show the rising and falling action running through the various stages; beginning with the introduction and exposition of the action centering on Frederic. It then leads to complication of the action by the new factor of love, which pulls the hero in the direction opposite to that of the war. The rising action reaches a climax in the wounding of the hero in the war front, then the action taking a downward journey leading to the crisis. The turning point in the fortune of the hero is in his desertion of war in the Caporetto retreat, then reaching the anticlimax of the falling action in the hero’s migration along with Catherine from Italy to Switzerland. It ends with the ca tastrophe or denouement in the death of Catherine leaving the hero alone and bitter. Thus, the novel’s patterning is modeled on the plot structure of a classic tragedy. The exposition is in the introduction where we are introduced to the novel’s setting, war-torn Italy, the major characters, their conflicts and the dramatic tensions working against the characters. He builds up suspense through the arousal of the readers’ expectations followed by their ironic reversals.... Frederic’s duty as a soldier and his love for Catherine pull him in separate directions. The activating incident if Frederic’s wounding which makes it possible for Catherine to nurse him and for the couple to fall in love. The rising action is marked by numerous coquettish games that Frederic and Catherine had. These fetish actions foreshadow their affection for one other. This is further demonstrated in their final days together, prior to Frederic’s departure to the front zero by the demands of love in competition with his life beyond their relationship. The rising action is also characterized by complications in the form Frederic’s growing affection for Catherine, his injury and her graveness. By the time Frederic is about to go back to the front, they realize that Catherine is three months pregnant (Hemmingway 149). Frederic sees a life he could have with Catherine as they live in Milan. Catherine’s pregnancy and the call to report to the front, however, divide Frederic’s loyalties, trapping him between two desires. The climax of the novel is the disastrous retreat at Caporetto and Frederic’s near-execution by the carabinieri, which utterly changes his attitude toward the war (Hemmingway 152). Frederic’s action during the Caporetto retreat becomes the turning point of the conflict between war and love. In shooting the Italian sergeant for desertion but then deserting the war himself, Frederic’s disillusionment with battlefield bravery is complete. He commits himself to his love for Catherine. The falling action comes is when Frederic decides to flee and abandon the army marking his farewell to arms. Frederic and Catherine idyllic time together in Stresa, an Italian town, may seem an odd setting for a story’s falling action. Nevertheless, as

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Policy recommendations in counter-terrorism Essay

Policy recommendations in counter-terrorism - Essay Example Second, all terrorists are treated as criminals (Global Focus 2010). Third, the United States can and does apply considerable political, economic, and military pressure on the states that are known to be supporting terrorism (Global Focus 2010). Based on these principles are the four rules on which U.S. counter-terrorism strategy currently builds. First, there should be no concessions or deals made with terrorists (Global Focus 2010). U.S. government will never make any concessions or deals with the foreign terrorists taking American hostages. Second, the U.S. will always seek to bring terrorists to justice for the crimes they have committed (Global Focus 2010). No matter how long it takes, America will track down, catch, and convict all terrorists who have ever attacked the American state, an American citizen, or their interests (Global Focus 2010). Third, the United States works hard to force the states that sponsor terrorists to change their attitudes and behaviors (Global Focus 2 010). Fourth, the U.S. believes that it can bolster its allies to work individually or cooperatively against terrorists (Global Focus 2010). Needless to say, the current counter-terrorism strategy demands huge financial and intellectual investments. Simultaneously, while President Obama claims his counter-terrorism strategy to rely on cooperation, collaboration, and resilience, the scope of violence and military efforts applied against domestic and international terrorism cannot be ignored (Obama 2011). These are not the only problems facing the United States in its fight against terrorism. To begin with, most, if not all, counter-terrorism efforts developed in the U.S. rely on an implicit assumption that global terrorist organizations have narrow support and can be... U.S. government will never make any concessions or deals with the foreign terrorists taking American hostages. Second, the U.S. will always seek to bring terrorists to justice for the crimes they have committed (Global Focus 2010). No matter how long it takes, America will track down, catch, and convict all terrorists who have ever attacked the American state, an American citizen, or their interests (Global Focus 2010). Third, the United States works hard to force the states that sponsor terrorists to change their attitudes and behaviors (Global Focus 2010). Fourth, the U.S. believes that it can bolster its allies to work individually or cooperatively against terrorists (Global Focus 2010). Needless to say, the current counter-terrorism strategy demands huge financial and intellectual investments. Simultaneously, while President Obama claims his counter-terrorism strategy to rely on cooperation, collaboration, and resilience, the scope of violence and military efforts applied against domestic and international terrorism cannot be ignored (Obama 2011). These are not the only problems facing the United States in its fight against terrorism.  To begin with, most, if not all, counter-terrorism efforts developed in the U.S. rely on an implicit assumption that global terrorist organizations have narrow support and can be easily eliminated (Lempert et al. 2008). In reality, terrorist organizations originating from the Islamic world have already gained broad support across a number of Islamic states.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Tax Claim Advise Letter Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tax Claim Advise Letter - Case Study Example The nature of your employment means that you spend more than half the year outside the country. To determine your residency, the Australian tax office applies some test to ascertain whether you fall under its jurisdiction for tax purposes namely the residency: ‘resides test’, domicile test, 183 day rule and the superannuation test. This is addressed under subsection 6(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936. According to the first test, whether a person is an Australian resident is a matter of fact and degree1 that depends on the circumstances of each case. However, some factors are considered. One and that is relevant to your scenario is the nature and extent of family and business ties that a person has established in Australia. According to the documents you have provided us, you have established a business, and indeed you have been the exclusive importer of widgets into Australia. In reference to the domicile test, a person is a resident in Australia if they have a domicile in Australia unless the commissioner becomes satisfied that person’s permanent place of residence is abode is outside Australia. Under the above two test, you qualify as a resident. However, you do not satisfy the 183 day test that applies to an expatriate and requires that they must have been present in Australia for more than 183 days. In Taxation Ruling IT, it was held that where a person temporarily leaving Australia, if they satisfy the first test, that is residency in the ordinary sense, then there is no need to go any further and they are residents for income tax purposes. Consequently, you are a resident for income tax purposes. Having addressed residency, we turn to your tax liability under the Income Tax Act. To compute taxable income, the tax law makes a distinction between income and capital receipts. Your taxable income shall include your PAYG payment from Compass, dividends from west point, capital assets gain from the sale of the estate, termination of the distribution agreement and business income from the distribution of widgets. Under the PAYG system, tax is deducted by the employer from the gross salary, who pays it to the ATO. This would cover your tax liability if you had no other source of income. Nevertheless, one must file returns if the amount exceeds $6000 of taxable income. If there is non-salary income, one, however, receives credit for tax paid under PAYG. With regards to your PAYG payments, your employers have already deducted the tax due. Total taxable income should be as calculated in appendix 1. Notice that the allowances; both laundry and uniform are deducted to arrive at your taxable income because these two occupation related expenses that are incurred to earn your taxable add, the Skin care products purchased due to flight attendant role amounting to 629.00 is also deductible. Also notice that the fridge benefits have not been added since they are treated differently since they are taxed at the rat e of 46.5%, and the tax year is different, as it runs from 1st April t0 30th may. Dividends received from Westplains ltd are also added to arrive at your taxable income as shown in appendix A. Notice that the amount added includes the flanked amount and flanking credits. This system applies to prevent double taxation. This is because the company pays a divided at the corporate rate and the dividend is

Friday, August 23, 2019

Analysis and argumentative commentary for a case-study article Essay - 1

Analysis and argumentative commentary for a case-study article (provided) by answering questions at the end of the article - Essay Example Nation states can now freely purchase natural resources from companies such as Anglo American PLC and Unocal and this has worked completely well to almost all countries. Even the largest economy in the world has depended on trade for its need of raw materials to propel its economy. China on the other hand has a huge demand for natural resources due to its rapidly expanding economy (China Defence & Security 47). It also wants to secure the source of its raw materials by a series of acquisitions and joint ventures in the past several years (Concha 139). I also do not think China’s growth will be threatened if it needs to rely on foreign-owned sources of materials. All countries have dependended on other countries for natural materials in one way or another and no country in the world has the monopoly of all resources. Even United States is dependent on Middle East for its oil requirement. This explains why there is trade and trade agreements because each country has to depend upon another for its natural resources and vice versa. What China is trying to achieve is to secure the source of its natural resoures for the expansion of economy. It is not contented of developing its own natural resources but rather would acquire the natural resources of other countries either by acquisition, joint venture or ridiculous claim such as its nine dash claim in the Pacific which is known to rich in oil and gas and offending all its neighbors in the process. Regardless how much resources China will need, there will always be a company or companies that will provide because it is an opportunity to make business. Being such, it is never a threat to China to depend on foreign owned companies with its need of materials. Even the largest economy in the world which is United States also depends on other countries for many of its materials need but it does not feel threatened by its dependency knowing that it is also

The Federal Government Should Provide Financial support for stem cell Research Paper

The Federal Government Should Provide Financial support for stem cell - Research Paper Example That is, they are progenitor cells that can become any part of the body, they self-rebuild. Such cells are referred to as the human stem cells. In the human body, they are only found in the brain, bone marrow, skin and liver. They can repair moderate damage (Forman, 2007, pgs. 1-6). Another kind of stem cell, however, is more versatile and is referred to, as the embryonic stem cells. They come from embryos or unborn humans in the very earliest stages of life. To be used in stem cell research, they must be less than one-week-old (Forman, 2007, pg. 8). It is these cells, which can develop into every cell in the body. They are the source of debate over stem cell research and the role that the federal government should play in the funding of such research. This paper will highlight the benefits that the citizens of the United States will gain from all forms of stem cell research, which are funded by the federal government. It will also outline the gains that would be reaped if the federa l government failed to fund such research and the funds are channeled to other sectors of the economy whose results are more assured. Stem Cell Research Stem cell research involves the study of both embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. ... 202-203). Stem cell research has known an enormous development and cellular transplantation and holds a great promise for regenerative medicine. Scientists present stem cell research as the key to several potential applications in research, drug discovery and trans-plantation medicine (Lynch, 2011, pg. 20). Arguments For and Against Federal Government Funding to Stem Cell Research Participants in the public debate surrounding human embryonic stem cell research and the administration’s funding policy have addressed themselves to many complicated and difficult ethical matters. As many people as are for government funding are also against government funding towards stem cell research, particularly, embryonic stem cell research. Arguments against Government Funding The predominant reason why the federal government should not fund the stem cell research program revolves around issues moral and ethics. They should not fund stem cell research because the use of embryonic stem cells w ill result to the embryo being destroyed. An embryo is a human life on equal standing with any other human life and it is wrong to destroy human life for any reason, even if it is with the goal of saving another (Forman, 2007, pgs. 27-28). The federal government funding of such research will be paramount to aiding in committing murder albeit not murder as is recognized by the law. It would be wrong to use tax dollars to encourage the destruction of human embryos. Not everyone is a fan of federal government funding for stem cell research. Some people argue that with individual states are taking much of the financial burden, the federal government should stay out of the more controversial aspects of stem cell science, such as work involving human embryos. They point out that in vitro

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The kite runner Essay Example for Free

The kite runner Essay Leesh bear Friendship with a Kite The desire for friendship comes quickly. Friendship does not. Aristotle In The Kite Runner, the theme of friendship is probably one on the most obvious themes to spot. The book is centered around the friendships made, and how the friendships will test their true loyalty and sometimes even their lives. According to Mark Vernon friendship is a complex thing. He says this; A heavy burden is placed on friendship. We turn to friends for our happiness. Some say they trust friends more than family. And there are those who want to marry their best friend a very novel idea. Then, in the networked age, we believe, or hope, that friendship is elastic enough to connect us across the web of complex lives, and strong enough not to snap. But is it? For whilst friendship offers much, few ask about its perils and limitations, as well as its promise. This relates to The Kite Runner almost perfectly. As it would tor any book dealing with the hardships and tests ot friendship, but somehow this one seems to fit best with this novel. one of the characters who reflects a lot on friendship Is Amir. Amir not focusing so much on his friendship, but the question of friendship completely, how two people of ifferent races, one accepted by society and the other outcast can be friends. But In none of his stories did Baba ever refer to All as his friend. The curious thing was, I never thought of Hassan and me as friends either. Not in the usual sense anyhow Because history isnt easy to overcome. Neither is religion. In the end, I was a Pashtun and he was a Hazara, I was Sunni and he was Shia and nothing was ever going to change that. Nothing. When Hassan talks about friendship or more so reflects on it, he comes from more of a third party outsider point of view. He never really goes into detail, but the author ets us know he is caring and forgiving. Hassan writes letters to Amir filled with warmth and nostalgia for their time in Kabul. Somehow, Hassan never thinks to hold a grudge against Amir. Its unthinkable its simply not part of the makeup of this character. (shmoop. com) Even th ough they come trom different back rounds the tact that they are Ilke brothers Is really nice to see. Though the time they live In their friendship Is considered bad, they pursue It anyways. Many trials their friendship faced, yet they continued to keep eachother close. Then, when Amir attempts to fit Into society he leaves Hassan behind. Someone who he was so close to for so long. Too late we learn, a man must hold his friend unjudged, accepted, trusted to the end Oohn Boyle OReilly). Hassan was the one who helped Amir choose the path of his future career. Amir had taken advantage of the friendship between Hassan and him. He made fun of him whenever he had the chance, but Hassan never took it to heart and still perceived Amir as his best friend. One day while he read to Hassan, Amir made up the ending of the story and Hassan loved it. He said, That was the best story youVe read me in a 1 OF2 Hassan was both physically and mentally stronger than Amir. According to Baba, Amirs father, there was something wrong with Amir since his birth. Amir never stood up for himself and he was different for the fact that he liked poetry, something that Baba believed was not normal for a young boy. One day while Hassan and Amir were walking towards their tree, they came upon Assef and his friends. Assef was the son of one of Babas friends, an airline pilot. He was known for his brass knuckles and wanted to start an argument with Hassan and Amir. Right before he was going to hurt them, Hassan grabbed his slingshot and aimed it right at Assefs left eye. He let the boys go but said he was going to get revenge. This part of the story foreshadowed an event that occurred later in the story in which Amir and Hassans lives were changed forever.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What, How, Who and Answers to Global Warming

What, How, Who and Answers to Global Warming Global Warming Determining What, How, Who and Answers to Global Warming Global Warming is steady increase of average temperatures due to the slowly growing strengths of human made greenhouse gases. Global warming can also mean that observing the temperatures without indicating of the cause too. The most accepted reason is the burning of fossil fuels which does expel carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. â€Å"As of 2010, the concentration of carbon dioxide is about 50% higher than it was before the start of the industrial revolution in the late 1800s.† (Australian Coal Association Low Emissions Technology, 2014) The increase in temp is contributed to the CO2 absorbing radiation which is the radiation the Earth loses to space when heated by the sun. This reaction produces greenhouse gas which helps produce a blanket over the planet that retains warmth. Since the early 70’s, 91% of the radiation energy has been stored in the oceans. The oceans main role in energy absorption is also used to increase the average temperature of the Earth’s Air and Seas temperatures. Since the turn of the century our Earth’s air and sea temps have steadily increased about 1.4F with about 2/3’s of the increase happening in the last 30 years. Each of the last 3 eras has been increasingly warmer at the Earths surface then the last hundred years combined. We have been recording temperature records since the late 1800’s so this data is well documented and gives us a baseline to go from. These data collections are the result of natural changes with the Earth and human beings making Greenhouse Gases. â€Å"A panel convened by the U.S National Research Council, the nations premier science policy body, in June 2006 voiced a high level of confidence that Earth is the hottest it has been in at least 400 years, and possibly even the last 2,000 years.† (Stanford Solar Center, 2013) But since humans are still to burning fossil fuels, the Earth is steadily warming unnaturally. The Northern most part of the hemisphere has experienced the most major rise in temperature, near 2.5’ Fahrenheit. â€Å"Average temperatures in Alaska, western Canada, and eastern Russia have risen at twice the global average, according to the multinational Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report compiled between 2000 and 2004.† (National Geogr aphic, 2014) We all know this CO2 release is coming from our automobiles, factories and burning coal etc. Our way of life is killing mother Earth, we continue to cut down trees pollute our oceans and for what? This paper is going to breakdown in three major sections giving my conclusions on what, how, why and fixing this Global Warming problem we as a planet face. There are many different factors which can make the warm the planet, but the major contributor is human created carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels. A huge contributor to global warming is the greenhouse gases that people release into the atmosphere. Majority of the gases released include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and CFCs (chloral floral carbons). The use of natural resources has increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. â€Å"However, over the last several hundred years, humans have been artificially increasing the concentration of these gases, mainly carbon dioxide and methane in the Earths atmosphere.† (Earth Observatory, 2014) Let’s not forget about another form of global warming like deforestation. Forest grounds are moist, but without protection from tree cover they can dry out. Trees also help spread the water cycle by releasing water vapor back into the atmosphere. If we do not have trees helping with the ecosystem we will soon loose countless specie’s. Cutting down trees deprives the forest of its canopy, which helps cut down the sun’s rays during the day and retains heat at night. This displacement leads to higher temperatures ranges that can be harmful to plants and animals. Trees also play a critical role in absorbing the greenhouse gases that fuel global warming. Fewer forests means larger amounts of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere and increased speed and severity of global warming. Thousands of years have since past and the Earth has had a diverse temperature effect without any human influence. This temperature change has been the result of other factors such as: the tilt of the Earth and changes in the levels of gases in the atmosphere. The Earth actually wobbles throughout its solar rotation around the sun. â€Å"This wobble in the Earth’s rotation has been causing changes in the temperature of the atmosphere for many millions of years.† (A Cooler Climate (2014) The suns variations in size from the past to present has an ecosystem effect. Scientist believe we are experiencing more and more solar flares that have a negative impact on our atmosphere too. There is a theory amongst scientist that Global Warming is a â€Å"regular life cycle event but I do not believe this to be true. Even though the Earth had ice ages and warmer temps in the past. Industry throughout the world gives off CO2 and it thickens the atmosphere UV rays are not being able to reflect back into space warming the Earth. A blend of compound atmospheric and ocean sequences which are inevitably driven by changes in solar output. The Earth goes through constant climate change cycles and has done so throughout its history. The exact mechanism is not well understood but appears to be related to the sun plus solar activity. â€Å"The ocean and volcanoes are much bigger sources of CO2 and other such greenhouse gases than humans. If the CO2 count is increasing, the influence of man may be minimal.† (Bionomic Fuel, July 16, 2014) The planet is currently in a cool down cycle and will continue to be so for at least a several years because the Pacific Decadal Oscillat ion. It would only make sense that the last thirty years with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in its warm phase caused the planet to warm. I read that people were asking questions like, who would be the most affected by this. And the answer is simple, everyone on the planet will pay a price for Global Warming. Theoretically every living breathing thing can be affected by climate change. Warmer seas means changing currents, which means distorted rainfall amounts on the continents. Plant life will move because of changing rainfall patterns. Insects, trees and animals will move to follow the vegetation and water. If global warming continues, there will be irreversible effects. Effects like erratic weather patterns, sea levels rising, dry waterless areas and ice caps melting. The US alone has millions of people living within a mile of the oceans. The majority of our major cities are located of the coasts or Great Lakes. All of these will be under water and completely useless. The world’s mountain contain some 80% of fresh water in forms of ice and snow. Global Warming would potentially melt this with devastating cons equences like massive flooding. â€Å"Urgent action is necessary to combat these effects. We cannot afford to wait as the well-being of you and your children is at stake. It is up to you to take responsibility for your actions.† (A Cooler Climate, 2014) Around the globe, people are taking responsibility and helping reduce CO2 emissions through more efficient environmentally energy resources. Unfortunately the people, who will be affected by Global Warming the most, are the poorer countries. These countries lack proper funding and education to help build finance facilities that can reduce our carbon foot print. Your citizens need to have a good understanding of what can happen when greenhouse gases are not taken seriously. Properly educating everyone will ultimately benefit the planet. How about free trade being affected? Every nation on Earth has some form of trade going on and you must take in account rising sea levels major trade ports being underwater. Who is going to rebuild all of the sea lanes, rebuild the docks? How about taking in account how are household items like food, water, TV and so on get here. Since the launch of industrialization in the modern world global trade has added to pollution of our environment. Looking at data gathered global trade contributes near as much pollution per capita calendar year as public transportation does. â€Å"Effectively combating our planetary climate crisis will require changes to the underlying manufacturing, energy, farming – and trade – systems that are now fueling carbon emissions.† (Greenpeace USA, 2014) Due to the outsourcing of companies and products nearly every household product in America travels on average over 4500 miles to reach its home, these items are transported by planes, ships or trains all of which burn massive amounts of fossil fuels. The link between Global trade and Global Warming has many ties like burning fuel which creates greenhouse gas and the amount of trade that goes on any given day is unbelievable. What can we do as regular people do to help reverse this growing problem? There are many easy steps you can do right now to cut global warming pollution. Make sustaining energy a part of your normal routine. Each time you choose a LED light sticker bulb over an traditional bulb, youll lower your energy consumption and keep nearly 600 pounds of CO2 out of the air. By purchasing brands with the energy star sticker, this indicates it uses at least 16% less energy than what the federal mandate is over a less traditional models. Lower cost, reliable cars to help reduce Global Warming gases are available now. From small cars to large trucks, there is no reason not purchase these to help take a step in the right direction fuel cell vehicles can help answer the problem for our future. Hybrids can help eliminate pollution by 1/3 or more and are currently available by every major car manufacturer in the U.S. Voluntary cutback programs have not been effective at stopping the growing of emissions. Many CEO’s of major corporations have agreed it is time for the governments to step in and create tougher, stouter laws to help combat Global Warming. Here is the and Canada public support is at it all time highest to propose and cap emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases produced from larger power plants (coal burning) and transportation fuels. We should start implementing cleaner cars and electrical generators into widespread use; this will start reducing gas contamination from vehicles and power plants immediately. By doing this we should start pushing and relying more on alternative solutions like wind, solar, geothermal and wave power. Firmer efficient obligations by appliance manufacturers for electrical appliances will help lower pollution. We need more programs or laws in place like what the Clinton administration implemented in the 90’s. Household central air units/heat pumps must reduce electrical usage by 30% for all new installs. This act will help reduce carbon release by 51 million metric tons a year. Alternative solutions for power consumption are here and we must start embracing it or Global Warming will not stop. Alternative energy defines all things that do not use or consume fossil fuels. These alternatives are found everywhere and anyone can use the majority of them plus they are eco-friendly. With very small to no pollution why not use them? South Africa is helping lead the way of solar power. They just installed the world’s largest solar farm producing some 18 gag-watts a year. South Africa, like other countries, is trying to reduce CO2 emissions as well as increase its alternative energy solutions. Wind energy is a very unlimited resource here in the Midwest. A single windmill can supply crop irrigation, pumping water and powering electric lights. Just in Indiana alone we have hundreds of windmill farms all over the state that helps reduce our grid consumption and saves on the release of fossil fuel gases released into the atmosphere. Geo thermal energy is taking off and it is accessible anywhere on Earth. Geothermal energy means energy drawn or harnessed from beneath the earth. A lot of countries try to use this energy to generate electricity for thousands of homes. Geothermal energy produces no pollution, lowers our dependence on fossil fuels. â€Å"Geothermal fields produce only about one-sixth of the carbon dioxide that a relatively clean natural-gas-fueled power plant produces.† (National Geographic 2014) There are many different ways to use alternative solutions to help reduce our dependence on greenhouse gas producing fuels. Listed above are a few but here are some more to help get you interested; Hydroelectric Energy, Biomass Energy, Ocean Energy and Hydrogen Energy. In conclusion, we the people of mother Earth must alienate ourselves from fossil fuels, if we are going to stop or reduce the effects of Global Warming. Right now we have a chance to redeem our planet but once we cross a certain line there is no going back. Let’s unite and save the planet. References Earth Observatory (2014) Global Warming: What is causing Global Warming? Jonathan Strickland and Ed Grabianowski, (2014) How Global Warming Works: National Geographic (2014) Global Warming Fast Facts Ecosystems Hazards to our World (2014) Global Warming Stanford Solar Center (2013) Global Warming: What is it? Random Facts (January 29, 2009) 35 Critical Facts about . . . Global Warming References A Cooler Climate (2014) Global Warming Natural Causes Bionomic Fuel (July 16, 2014) Is Global Warming Fake? GreenPeace USA (2014) Climate Change Trade Policies: We have a problem: our current trade rules are worsening climate chaos National Geographic (2014) Geothermal Energy: Tapping the Earths Heat Australian Coal Association Low Emissions Technology (2014) What is Global Warming? 1

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What a Multinational Company?

What a Multinational Company? 1- Introduction: For better understanding this is important to discuss what a multinational company is in first place. In short words multinational company can be defined as a company or an organization that serves or produce in more than one country is known as multinational company. Other names use for such kind of organizations is Multinational Corporation (MNC), Transnational Corporation (TNC) or Multinational Enterprise (MNE). Multinational organization can be engaged in manufacturing, services or the exploitation of natural resources in the operating countries. Different writers described different definition of multinational companies. According to Moore Lewis (1999, P. 21) stated that â€Å"an enterprise that engages in foreign direct investment (FDI) and own or controls value adding activities in more than one country is known as multinational enterprise†. As Jones (1996, p.4) says â€Å"An MNE is usually defined as firm that controls operations or income generating assets in more than one country.† There is a long list of multinational firms like Sony, Nestle, Wal-Mart Stores, General Motors, Ford Motor, ConocoPhillips Microsoft, Nokia, Toyota Motors, Intel, Coco-Cola, Sony, IBM, Nike and Citigroup etc. Now the main question is about the multinational companies of different origin adopt different approaches of HRM practices. To discuss this section this is really important to discuss the HRM practices in first place, to define what HRM is and then its practices will be discussed throughout this essay step by step, and then practices of HRM in broader context for the MNCs or MNEs. HRM is modern word use in the businesses, which can be defined as â€Å"a model of personnel management that focuses on the individual rather than taking collective approach†. ( As Pennington Edwards (2000, P. 4) stated that â€Å"Human Resource Management (HRM) is a new way of thinking about how people should be managed as employees in the workplace†. It can be classified into two schools of thoughts.i.e. Hard HRM Soft HRM. Both types of HRM are under studies of different authors in detail. Now to concentrate on the question directly a survey is going to be under studies â€Å"Country of origin effects and HRM in multinational companies† which took place in 2007 by P. Edwards et al. In which he discussed 302 UK based multinational companies, which cover both UK owned and overseas owned companies. This study will play an important part in the essay to get the conclusion either multinational companies of different nationalities have different HRM approaches and practices or not. 2- Challenges In Multinationals According to Brett, Jeanne Kristin, 2006, international businesss nature is going under a sea change. The globalisation, multi-nationalisation, and the geographical diversification is pushing companies towards change in their management structure and style. Multinationals now need to consider regional market conditions and develop strategies to cater to each of the regional markets. Culture Shock Culture shock is the big challenge for multinationals, the difference brings the different thinking ways and working ways, and it needs time to adjust it. In most cases the expatriate manager prefer to emphasize and require the home office or home country values on the host countrys employees instead of accepting and learning within the new culture. (Adler, 2002) Lack Of Cross Cultural Training In fact, most multinationals ignore this training program during the staffing management. However, the better understanding about culture block can help managers to improve the effectiveness of staffing management. For example, The managers at Bell Canada were totally asked be training about Muslim laws of drinking and the treating of women there before he or she assigned a project for Saudi Arabia such like constructing the telephone system in there. (Adler, 2002) Family Problems Family problem for PNC manager is another challenge. The overseas employees always think of their family. Sometime, such emotion will effect the concentrations in their work. These difficulties are usually underestimated. What the organization should do is to assist expatriates family to adapt their new environment. (Dolan, 1996) 3- HRM Functions In MNCs Team members of multinational companies come from different countries with the different culture, economic, religions and habits. All of these differences bring the different thinking and working methods, thus, how to manage the multicultural team is a big challenge for the HRM in the multinationals. In the article â€Å"Managing multicultural team†, the author states that â€Å"Communication in Western cultures is typically direct and explicit. In many other cultures, meaning is embedded in the way the message is presented. The differences can cause serious damage to team relationships† (Jeanne Breeet , Kristin Behfar, and Mary C. Kern, 2007) . Retaining Subsidiary Staffs Retention It can be argued that the retention of staffing in the multinationals subsidiary conducts huge influence. The transfers between the PCNs, HCNs and the TCNs are the big issues in the staffing management strategy. Scolders identify that the HCNs and TCNs who are sent to the corporate headquarters (HQ) called inpatriates. As this article mentioned before, the ethnocentric approach, the polycentric approach, the regioncentric approach, and the geocentric approach are the four major nationality staffing policies in the international staffing, by analyzing the complex and the new situation appear in the relationships between the HQ and subsidiary, B. Sebastian Reiche (2007) explores the international stiffing-related retention strategies . Firstly, he claims that a pluralistic and consensus-driven approach to international staffing enhances the retention capacity of international staffing practices through increased responsiveness to and involvement of the respective local unit. He states that the knowledge and skill from the local staff can help multinationals to reduce the risk and culture-bound in the local market. He also believes that this approach can improve the loyalty of local staffs, and the local staff can achieve individual career plan to cohere the institutional development plan. At the same time, he states that the PCNs still act as the vital role for informal controlling and coordination in the multinational companies. Secondly, he indicates that expatriation of local staff can help to retain the MNCss retention. In this approach, he states that the â€Å"inpatriates can share their social and contextual knowledge of the subsidiary environment with managers at the HQ. And also inpatriates tend to be accepted by HCNs more willingly than foreign personnel.† HRM is all concern about the employees at the work place, but the demands from HRM gone up as the education rate grown up. As Pennington and Edwards (2004, P.4) stated that â€Å"As a level of education become higher, a greater proportion of the population world wide expect more than fair treatment, they seek a range of intrinsic rewards such as job satisfaction, a degree of challenge, a sense of career progression and satisfying relation with co workers†. Selection Recruiting:- The main function of HRM is selecting and recruiting, no matter the firm is domestic or multinational. Staffing issue for domestic managers and MNCs managers are not very different for recruiting for the middle management or ground floor workers, but for selecting and recruiting of top management then the choices come like parent country national (PCNs), Host country national (HCNs) or third country national (TCNs). According to Parlmutter (1989) divided into three main categories. ‘Ethnocentric where top management favours PCNs managers, who are posted abroad for a period of time. ‘Polycentric where top management give choice to subsidies to fulfil management posts themselves, and ‘Geocentric when top management recruits managers globally and post them anywhere in the world. For example Japanese style of HRM dont rely on interviews and job advertisements, they select the people from the universities and the most top MNCs can afford the students from the most prestigious university. According to Keeley (2001, P.62) stated that â€Å"unlike the most Western companies detailed job description rarely exist. The company seeks to determine if the prospective employee has the type of personality that fits in well with the atmosphere at the company.†While US MNCs rely on â€Å"interview must† attribute of HRM practices in their subsidies. In China, they had no selection processes per se when they first started. Senior managers were appointed by community government-officials. Most of the new hires were based on employee referrals. Selection criteria were based on nepotism and contacts. Hiring decisions are influenced by the following in china: A persons ability to perform the technical requirements of the job A personal interview A persons ability to get along well with others already working here Having the right connections (e.g. school, family, friends, region, government, etc.) The companys belief that the person will stay with the company An employment test in which the Person needs to demonstrate their Skills Proven work experience in a similar job A persons potential to do a good job, even if the person is not that good when they first start How well the person will fit in the companys values and ways of doing things Future co-workers opinions about whether the person should be hired (Huczynski, Andrzej / Buchanan, David, 2001) A most important attribute in Japanese style of HRM is called â€Å"Shushinkoyo† which means life or long term employment. This is considered the success key of Japanese HRM as stated by Keeley (2001, P.65) â€Å"Nevertheless, a number of scholars both Japanese and non Japanese have praised ‘Shushinkoyo and have attributed the success of Japanese enterprises to its practice.† Here this shows that multinational companies from Japan apply different approach for selection the new recruits while US MNCs rely on a different phenomena of selection and recruitment. Performance Appraisal:- This is the HR attribute which has significant attention from both academics and practitioners, the appraisal system in US MNCs use to reduce the labour force as stated in Edwards (2007, P. 40) that â€Å"some US companies, GE for instance, have become known for using the appraisal system to remove the lower- performing employees from the workforce on a regular basis and /or to identify those in need of ‘remedial action for their performance level.† But in Japanese MNCs the companies gives the life time or long term employment as mentioned by Keeley (2001) that it is one of the best attribute of Japanese HRM in small Japanese enterprises or Japanese MNCs. Differences can b seen in the Edwards (2007) survey of Japanese and US multinational companies based in UK, where he stated that â€Å"US companies are more likely to emphasise the importance of behaviour in relation to corporate values, while Japanese firms give lower importance rating to quantitative or qualitative i ndividual evolution criteria, and criteria based on corporate values.† In large organizations the performance review on periodic basis, this is second task of organizations HR departments, after hiring an employee and on the basis of performance employee get bonuses, promotions and rewards. Performance appraisals give opportunity to the workers (individual/group) to get prepare for the future goals of firm. Pay, Compensations, Rewards Benefits:- Compensations like hourly wages and annual salaries while benefits are like life insurance, pensions and sick pays etc. According to Cherrington (1995) stated that compensation should be legal and ethical, adequate, motivate and fair, and should be able to give employment security to the worker. Pay compensation and rewards are not really different from each other, but in simple words rewards is the term use to motivate and to get the future goals by means of workforce for an organization, the reward system plays an important role, by reward (individual/group) the workers get appreciation and get themselves more committed to the firm. These are the some of the main features and functions of any (domestic/MNCs) firm HR department. In Japanese style of HRM they use a Japanese term ‘Nenko Joretsu which means seniority system, where in Japanese HR management the wages goes up with the age and experience, as stated in Keeley (2001, P. 76) said that â€Å"though nenko is most often translated as ‘seniority†. While US and Europe MNCs apply the performance related pay system. This is the most important phenomena of MNCs HR system when they go to borderless business. According to Edwards (2007, P. 46) stated in his survey that â€Å"Nationality has some effects. For example, American firms are likely to give organisational performance a higher importance rating for the KEY GROUP than others firms. UK firms are more likely emphasis individual output measures for LARGEST OCCUPATIONAL GROUP.† It shows the difference in attribute of HR practices and approaches in multinational firms. Training Development:- This is one of the important as well as crucial task for HR department for a firm operating globally, in this area of HRM multinational companies of different origin follow different approaches, for example according to Tung (1981) stated that â€Å"by comparing US, European and Japanese corporations, Americans firms it seems tend to underestimate the importance of training, whereas most European and Japanese organizations see this as a highly important area of attention†. The objectives and goals of training and development are to make sure the skilled and willing workers are available in the organization. Training and development are important to create a smarter working environment. In China, medium and large companies have formal training programmer and many have established special facilities for teaming purposes. Because of the lower educational level in the rural areas, the quality of the rural labour force is significantly in urban areas. Experienced, well-qualified staffs are in short supply. To disadvantage of hiring Key personnel from a shallow pool of talent, they invest heavily in training. Training is an important investment in human capital. Training improves an individuals performance and increase organizational effectiveness. (Ahlstrom Garry, 2001) Japanese MNCs pay less attention to training and development attribute of HRM, the reason might be the less mobility of workers in the Japanese firms, as they use the term ‘Shushinkoyo. According to Keeley (2001, P. 88) stated that â€Å"A study of the Japan Productivity Centre found differences in the attitudes towards training in Japanese and American firms.† Where Keeley stated that from the study and respond of both countries towards training issue were positive but American firms were strong and more positive then the Japanese firms and he also stated that Japanese firms arrange training on ‘request basis. A strategy which makes a firm successful is not easy to implement when they go beyond the borders, because of the barriers which might be language, religion, culture and legislations etc. As Keeley (2007, P.89) stated that â€Å"HR practices which makes a firm successful in domestic environment are difficult to implement in their overseas subsidiaries.† 4- HRM Approach In Multinational Firms: Now in this essay some of the multinational firms characteristics will be studied to see do they get affected by the country where they belong to in their HR practices and approaches or not? There are many MNCs, the country which has most MNCs is USA, and after that are Europe, Japan and Germany. There are many writers who discussed the issue of ownership and HRM in MNCs like Evan, Lank and Farquhar (1977), Barlett Goshal (1989), Rozenzweig Nohria (1994) and Innes Morris (1995) etc, which prove that the issue of ownership has been in discussion from ages, as according to Economist (1995) said that â€Å"the issue of ownership is central to the number of important policy related and academic debate in the area of HRM and IR, One line of argument is that, with increasing globalization MNCs are becoming stateless players, detached from individual nation states†. MNCs of different origin work in the host country by applying its local mechanism of HR practices and approaches, because it is not possible to work and apply 100% approaches of the parent country, as according to Rozenzweig Nohria (1994) said that â€Å"a rank and file IR issues are more likely to exhibit ‘local isomorphism †. There are many arguments about the affection of country of origin on MNCs HR practices, the reasons are many for MNCs to adopt different approaches of HRM, as Ferner (1997) described that â€Å"in short, it is imperative to take into account the dynamic of nationality as a factor affecting the behaviour of MNCs. The modernization of political institutions, the rapid pace of technology, the internationalization of product itself and changing pattern of international market and competition, all are likely to modify to pre existing national structure although not necessarily in the direction of convergence of different national systems on a si ngle model†. Now the essay will point out some differences in Chinese and American Human Resource Managements. China is one of the fastest growing economy of the world, according to Zhu (2005, P.2) explained that â€Å"the past two and half decades of reforms and impressive economic growth have witnessed an unprecedented enthusiasm for the establishment of foreign invested enterprises (FIEs). Many foreign companies have expended their operations into china, attracted mainly by the sheer size of its potential market†. There are many multinational firms in China like Aluminium Corp (ACH), China Petroleum Chemical Corp (SNP) and China Unicom (CHU) etc. The main practice of HRM is selection and recruitment as mentioned above, and the difference between the process of selection of Chinese and USA approach is, in USA model of HRM job interview is essential for filling a major position, while in Chinese HRM mostly jobs are allocated by government and interview process is not common. In reward system the USA model of HRM offers a variety of incentives system, while Chinese HRM system is different from USA, in Chinese system salary ranges are narrow, group reward system is common, but the pay system is more motivate than American pay system. In performance appraisal USA model of HRM believes in two way communication, while in Chinese model supervisor have absolute power and authority to evaluate subordinates, in USA participative management is welcome and encourage, but in Chinese HRM collective leadership is common, and in major decision making, the involvement of workers is symbolic. The difference can be seen in different origin or nationality MNCs that the US MNCs are significantly more like to collect information on employee attitude bring together HR managers from different countries and use HR international shared services, Japanese organizations are less likely to collect data centrally, while French origin MNCs acting more likely in US style of HRM practices, and German origin MNCs firms follow Japanese style of HRM practices. (Jackson, 2002) The best example is British American Tobacco (BAT), which is operating in a number of countries in the world, i.e. Pakistan, South Africa, UK, Japan, Saudi Arabia and many more. As this is an American based firm, and American have an ‘interview must attribute in their HR practices, they apply the same approach for selecting and recruiting in the host country Pakistan, and the adopt some practices of Pakistan HRM practices (host country) like monthly payment of salaries instead of weekly wages, so its means BAT reflected their parent country HRM practices in some ways and in subsidies like UK, BAT apply the same HR practices and approaches as the parent country have, because the culture difference is not very distinct from each other i.e. UK and USA. ( (self experience as a worker of BAT in Pak) 5- Conclusion This essay was carried out to see, do multinational organizations of different origin have different approaches to international human resource management? There were some evidences that showed the answer as ‘Yes they get affected by its country of origin in on or other way, but it is also proved that the most of MNCs adopt ‘the best fit policy when MNCs start operating in a host country, because of the obstacles in the host country, i.e. language, religion, norms and values, culture and legislations. Writers in HRM field have different opinion about the behaving of MNCs, so the best option for MNCs is to apply the ‘best fit approaches of the HRM practices, means combination of both (Parent Host countries) HRM practices. The issue of ownership country of MNC has been in discussion for ages, but still there is not a 100% accurate answer came out as according to Ferner (1997) said that â€Å"but existing research has failed to systematically explore differences†. All these discussion and researchers efforts bring the conclusion that in some HR attributes in MNCs they follow the a universal approach while in some they follow the different approaches in HR practices, according to the survey by Edwards (2007) stated that â€Å"throughout the report, we have noted the persistent influence of nationality. There are clear national differences in all four area of HR/ER: Pay performance, Learning development, employee involvement and employee representation.† But the bottom line can be that: yes! Multinational firms of different origin can be effected by the parent country HR practices when the run business in other part of the world instead of the home country. There are some obstacles for multinational companies which can stop them to apply the 100% parent country HR practices in their subsidies like legislation of the host country, rules and regulation and more, there is term used in Edwards (2007, P.29) survey of Multinational companies in UK called discretion or local autonomy. Which shows multinational companies of different origin give the power of decision making and freedom to their subsidies? In that survey the high discretion power firms are Japanese, which means Japanese multinational companies give more freedom to their subsidies comparatively to American, French and other Multinational firms of different origin. But another thing can be the law enforcement of subsidies (host Country), the example can be Germany where the rules and regulation are strict so the difference in practices of HR of a multinational firm would not be as bigger as in Pakistan, because of the law enforcement, like differences would be less in Europe but it would be greater in Asia. Reference And Bibliography Acuff, F. (1984) International and Domestic Human Resource Functions: Innovations in International Compensation. New York: Organization Resources Counsellors, pp. 3-5. Bartlett, C., Goshal, S. (1989) Managing across Borders : The Transnational Solution, Boston, Harvard Business School Press. Briscoe, R.D. Schuler, R.S (2004) International Human Resource Management; 2nd Ed, New York, Prentice Hall. Cherrington, D, J. (1995) the management of human resources; Enkweed Cliff, NJ: Printice Hall. Edwards, P. at al. 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Monday, August 19, 2019

The UK Advertising Industry :: Adverts, Marketing

Advertising is used to persuade us to do something. Whether it is to purchase a product, or to donate our money to a charity. Advertising is to persuade you to give something, to take on a message – not just to buy something. Advertising is not just pictures, words and slogans, but font’s and colors are essential when advertising. There are many different forms of advertising. Some of these include: †¢ Television †¢ Magazine †¢ Radio †¢ Junk mail †¢ Direct †¢ Text messaging †¢ Billboards †¢ Banners and flyers †¢ Bus shelters †¢ Pop-ups †¢ Internet Sites †¢ Cinema There are loads! But the main forms of advertising are generally – Television, Radio and Print based, we see them everyday and everywhere. Advertising is used to attract their target audience to advertise their products, and if successful, to purchase their product. Advertisers use certain techniques in order to make us feel as if we have longed all of our lives for this, and they are very clever at doing so. It is thought that approximately  £98 million is spent every year on advertising. 50% of money that is spent on advertising is spent on the press newspapers, magazines and trade papers. 27% is spent on television advertising, 11% is spent on direct advertising, and 7% is spent on Radio advertising, approximately 5% for Billboards and Bus shelter advertising and 0.5% for Cinema advertising. Personally, I feel that Print – based advertising is the most popular form of advertising as is long – lived. By that I mean that unlike television advertising, it does not appear for a certain amount of time, then disappeared and then quite often forgotten about. Another issue is that with television advertising you may not be watching when

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Discrimination is Everywhere! Essay -- Prejudice Stereotype

Discrimination—Everywhere! Discrimination can be confused with other terms such as prejudice and stereotype. It is important to differentiate between the three terms so that we better understand what we deal with in society. Stereotypes are images held in our minds in regards to certain racial or cultural groups, without consideration of whether the images held are true or false. Stemming from stereotypes is prejudice. The prejudicial attitude occurs when we prejudge a person, good or bad, on the basis that the stereotypes associated with the person/group being prejudged are true. Discrimination is the combination of the terms mentioned above, but involves actually acting out with unfair treatment, directing the action towards the person/group. Prejudice and discrimination do not just occur racially, but it is found among gender, religion, culture, and geographical background. Remember that prejudice is a result of attitude and discrimination is a result of action. At one point in our lives, we have all experienced a type of discrimination. It happens to everyone, even if they happen to be the â€Å"dominating† group of their society. By dominating, I am referring to the stereotype that white, rich men dominate the society. Is it false, or true? I, myself, have experienced discrimination. One example is the wonderful experience of buying a car. It is tough enough to get up the courage to deal with the salesmen at the dealership, but even harder when you are a young female. Mo...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Police Supervision

POLICE SUPERVISION PSPOL – 212 CASE STUDIES IN POLICE SUPERVISION ELIZABETH DIAZ FALL 2012 POLICE SUPERVISION PSPOL – 212 POLICE SUPERVISION CASE STUDY (2A) ELIZABETH DIAZ 10/14/2012 BACKGROUND Police Officer Jacob Goulde is a member of the Town of Utopia Police Department. He’s a married father of two. Officer Goulde has had a very good track record in the nine years he’s worked for the Utopia Police Department, but recently he’s been observed making careless mistakes and his behavior is increasingly disturbing to his supervisor, Sergeant Wentworth.During the last four or five months, Office Goulde has been turning in his reports late and with many mistakes. He’s called off from work repeatedly, and shown up late to several of his tours, which is an unusual pattern for him. He’s missed an important squad meeting simply because he forgot about it. He’s also forgotten his radio on the roof of his patrol car, he drove off and the radio sustained damage that amounted to over six hundred dollars ($600). After being confronted by Sgt.Wentworth in a meeting between the two, Officer Goulde was evasive with his answers and confrontational toward his sergeant saying he was â€Å"probably coming down with a cold or something† as a way of explanation for his abnormal behavior. As a parting remark he said â€Å"get off my back† and left the meeting suddenly. After being assigned desk duty, Desk Sergeant Katz also observed odd behavior from Officer Goulde on his tour. He brought it up to Sergeant Wentworth who then asked Desk Sergeant Katz to put this in writing so that he can take a different course of action with Officer Gould.ISSUES Mainly the issues that surround this case are the fact that Sergeant Wentworth has observed all of this declining behavior from Office Jacob Goulde and has not immediately intervened to find out the cause of this extreme attitude shift. Sergeant Wentworth should not have ha d an unofficial meeting with his officer, but instead a more official gathering and offered support to the officer in order to figure out what is causing all of these serious mishaps.Desk Sergeant Katz is also suffering from the â€Å"passing the buck† syndrome. After Officer Goulde was assigned desk duty on his shift, Sgt. Katz should have taken more extreme measures after discovering Officer Goulde drinking from a suspicious looking bottle and later smelling alcohol on his breath. Even though Officer Goulde isn’t his immediate responsibility, in a police department everyone is responsible not only of solving the crime but of holding each other accountable for their errors.SOLUTION (S) A police officer is held accountable to the highest degree of the law, but a supervisor is held at an even higher standard because they’re in charge of overseeing their subordinates. Sgt. Wentworth has failed to approach the issue when it first started, therefore not being proact ive. Now, he’s stuck with this issue and isn’t exactly sure how to follow suit. He must remember that he is the one in command and the one that needs to set rules and guidelines for the subordinates to follow.Perhaps giving the officer desk duty to be observed closely wasn’t the best idea since he should have been the one to look more closely into this problem with his officer. Sergeant Wentworth should have made Officer Goulde go to mandatory counseling to help him with his problems, whatever they are. If he suffers from any sort of substance abuse or emotional distress, he would get the necessary help through the psych services offered by the department (EIU). Also, they have to set up a plan for the two to meet regularly and discuss the effects of the therapy and map out a route with a mutual goal.If this problem persists, Sergeant Wentworth has to take the written report by Desk Sergeant Katz and go through the appropriate channels for a formal hearing, that will somewhat force Officer Goulde to answer questions without allowing him any opportunity to walk out. He has already demonstrated that he has no regard for his Sergeant by being evasive and walking out. Sergeant Wentworth has to become a democratic leader in order to aid his subordinates with any problems they’re facing. POLICE SUPERVISION PSPOL – 212 POLICE SUPERVISION CASE STUDY (2B)ELIZABETH DIAZ 10/14/2012 BACKGROUND Sergeant Wentworth is a sergeant at the Town of Utopia Police Department. After graduating high school and attending at the University of Pleasant, he took the exam for the Utopia Police Department and scored number 3 which landed him a job in 1986. After his probation period ended, he was placed into one of the more productive squads. Sergeant Robert Hulett, who was known as an energetic workaholic, trained Wentworth. He scored number one on the entrance, sergeant and lieutenant examinations for the department.He was even better known for his abil ity to train and develop new officers. Wentworth was bright, quick to learn and had very high aspirations about becoming a great officer in this department and was grateful of being trained by Sergeant Hulett. Officer Shapiro has been an officer with the Utopia Police Department since 1971 and is assigned to Squad Z. He is known around the department for being a quiet individual who worked at his own steady pace. The work he turned in contained errors but generally it was done pretty accurately and mostly on time.Sometimes, Officer Shapiro’s slow manner of speaking and of working irritated his fellow officers and most of all Sergeant Wentworth, who needed him to respond a little more promptly to situations that needed attention. Officer Shapiro’s work attendance was fairly reliable though he never placed punctuality very high on his priority list. Shapiro’s absence last Monday however, caused a great deal of issues to his squad. Several officers had been sent to the Police Range for their firearms qualifications that left the squad short handed for road patrol.Shapiro didn’t call in until an hour after his shift was supposed to start, to say he wouldn’t make it in to work. Sergeant Wentworth had to cover his shift after speaking to Lieutenant Dunbar, who expressed his disappointment with Wentworth about his mismanaging his staff. Lt. Dunbar became even more infuriated when he learned that the tasks assigned to Sgt. Wentworth had not been completed. Sgt. Wentworth summoned Officer Shapiro to his office on Tuesday and advised him that this situation needs to be rectified or there would be a formal complaint filed against him. ISSUESSquad Z and Sergeant Wentworth are having serious issues with the work performance of Officer Shapiro and the issues that have risen because of his erratic work attendance. Officer Shapiro’s slow work demeanor presents a serious contrast between the fast pace work environment of his squad. Off icer Shapiro’s work attendance has caused serious issues not only for Squad Z but also for Sergeant Wentworth who was reprimanded by Lt. Dunbar. Sgt. Wentworth was forced to cover the shift of Officer Shapiro when most of the squad members were sent off for their firearms qualifications. Lt.Dunbar expressed his disappointment in Sgt. Wentworth for mismanaging his staff and not keeping proper track of the people he oversees. Although Officer Shapiro’s work is turned in and completed in a timely fashion, it still contains errors and he seems to be suffering from low work morale, which is why he seems unmotivated to be the best officer he can be. After discussing the possible repercussions of this continued behavior with Officer Shapiro he simply shrugged his shoulders and asked to be dismissed, a clear indication that he doesn’t care or isn’t intimidated by a threat of ormal complaints against him. SOLUTION (S) Sgt. Wentworth, as a supervisor has to have th e ability to be a decision-maker and set up strict guidelines for his staff to follow. Also, have the correct attitude to train his subordinates. A supervisor cannot criticize his subordinates, but instead needs to create an atmosphere where his officers will want to work efficiently. Sergeant Wentworth has to create a work environment where there is high morale and his officers feel productive and united, and demonstrate he is capable of patience with training the subordinates.As a supervisor, he has to recognize the necessity of training employees because they are the organization’s most important resource. Sergeant Wentworth should send officer Shapiro for a refresher-training course where his skills will be refreshed and reinforced, to ensure that he is performing to the best of his abilities. His skills play a very important role in the day-to-day smooth operations of his squad. Also, he should set up some time aside to review his work performance until he is satisfied t hey are up to department standards. POLICE SUPERVISION PSPOL – 212POLICE SUPERVISION CASE STUDY (3B) ELIZABETH DIAZ 10/14/2012 BACKGROUND As the squad supervisor for Squad Z, Sergeant Wentworth has been concerned with the poor performance of the squad’s officers and the recent drop in summonses and arrests. Sergeant Wentworth has been determined to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of his squad and as a result has decided to arrange a squad meeting and has placed it for the last day of the 8Ãâ€"4 tour of squad Z, to ensure that the whole squad will attend. This meeting is an open forum style to allow everyone to air his or her grievances.On the day of the meeting, Sgt. Wentworth opened the meeting by inviting everyone to voice their concerns about the reasons why there’s poor performance and lack of productivity coming from this squad. The first one to offer to speak was Officer Lockwood, who has always been someone hard to communicate with. According to Sgt. Wentworth she blames the supervisors for the lack of production from the squad. She went on to say that the faulty radar units purchased by the department are the reason for the decrease in summonses since they’re always in for repairs.She also expressed that it is the supervisor’s responsibility to provide their officers with working equipment. A remark by Officer Gardenia was very insensitive to Officer Lockwood, who left the room in tears and never returned. Next was Officer Griffin who has issues with several officers who do not clean out the squad cars, then called them â€Å"sloppy pigs†. Officers Goulde and Shapiro supported Griffin’s claims stating that maybe they’re dirty because supervisors fail to report them but they also took personal offense to Griffin’s name calling, which then set off several exchanges about sexism and passing the buck.Sgt. Wentworth who had been quietly observing these exchanges said, â€Å"This meeti ng was a mistake†. Officer McBride, who is usually quiet, spoke and said that the supervisors never really listen to their complaints. She also went on to say that in several occasions they’ve reported the faulty equipment, the conditions of the squad cars and that the morale on the squad has fallen dangerously low. Officer Griffin agrees with Officer McBride’s claims saying he believes the supervisors are only interested in productivity and not listening to what they have to say.Sgt. Wentworth promised that he would take seriously the claims he’s heard today. He then thanked Officer McBride for voicing her opinion and she stated that it’s only the tip of the iceberg and that there are other more serious things going on in this department than he realizes. She advised him to patrol the streets and check on what his officers are doing. ISSUES The main issues in this case study are the lack of productivity and decrease in arrests/summonses of Squad Z. There is an obvious underlying reason as to why this squad’s morale has taken a nosedive.Sergeant Wentworth’s demeanor during the squad meeting was unnerving. He should have never allowed Officer Gardenia to speak to Officer Lockwood in such a way. If his intention was to hear the issues of his officers then he should have never allowed these shouting matches to go on in his presence. Although Officer Griffin’s concerns were valid he shouldn’t have let him go at it with Officers Goulde and Shapiro. Lastly, he shouldn’t have said that the meeting was a mistake, that’s not reflective of a leader. He should’ve considered that the meeting wouldn’t just go smoothly.In fact, he should’ve prepared himself for several possible outcomes of the meeting, that’s what a true leader does. Clearly there are serious issues that aren’t being handled by supervisors in order to restore morale and productivity to this squad. Sergeant Wentworth should’ve have undermined Sergeant McBride by telling her she’d only been here a little while when she intended to give him further perspective about the real issues going on around the squad. Sgt. Wentworth needs to stop the buck here. SOLUTION (S) In order to solve the issues that plague Squad Z, Sgt.Wentworth needs to sit down and make a plan that will show goals he wants for the squad and a time frame in which they must be done by. He has to consider the claims made by his officers and take them seriously. This is the moment when he has to become a Democratic Leader and seek ideas from his subordinates to ensure that these problems are eradicated. Sergeant Wentworth has to lead by example and treat his subordinates as colleagues, as oppose to trying to exert his will over them. He should make it mandatory that his officers attend a team-building seminar to bring his quad together and help them communicate with each other better and therefore maki ng them better communicators toward their supervisors. Sergeant Wentworth seems to not take seriously the internal complaints of his officers, but this should be so. A supervisor’s job is to take serious and show importance to all complaints no matter how important or not they seem to him, because clearly it is important to his subordinate. Sergeant Wentworth needs to work on paying close attention to these complaints, as they seem to be the start of the bigger issues.POLICE SUPERVISION PSPOL – 212 POLICE SUPERVISION CASE STUDY (4B) ELIZABETH DIAZ 10/14/2012 BACKGROUND Sergeant Wentworth went out on patrol shortly after twelve midnight, when he observed two patrol cars parked side by side in an alleyway. After approaching the cars, he asked officer Shapiro and Ashford what they were doing outside their sectors. Officer Shapiro replied they were just talking about where they would meet up later in their shift, which is in clear violation of the regulations set forth by the Utopia Police Department.Sgt. Wentworth sent them both on their way. As he continued to patrol the town, he heard dispatch call patrol car 91 for several minutes. Without response, dispatch gave the call to patrol car 92, which was in a different sector. Sgt. Wentworth called headquarters and asked what was car 91’s last known location and went in search of it. He tried to locate car 91 and the officer but neither could be found. Officer Ashford, of car 92, told the Sergeant that some cars went on to Castle Avenue to sleep.